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Glossary of Paranormal Terms

Afterlife: Many cultures believe that after one dies they are born into another life similar to ours. 

There are people that believe we are reborn and live other lives on this planet. It is also reffered 

to as the other side or the great beyond. 


Amulet:  A charm that is used as protection from malevolent ghosts, demons and supernatural

powers. It is usually made from silver, gold, platinum and gems. Jewelery and religious items are

considered amulets.


Apparitions:  The most sought after phenomenon in the paranormal investigation community

They are basically the transparent image of a person who has died. The apparition will usually be

followed by a scent or a sound, such as perfume, or the sound of footsteps. It is believed that an

apparition will mae it's presence known is a high electro-magnetic field or surge.


Astral Being:  Another term that is used for a ghost or spirit.


Boogeyman:  Anyone who has seen Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street and so forth have heard

that term. It is based on theBritish legend. A Bogey is thought to be an evil spirit that causes mischief 

and only appears at night.


BuruBuru:  I found this one to be interesting. It is based on Japanese legend, it is a spirit that hides

out in graveyards and forests. posing as an old man or woman. It then attaches itself to the backs o

the living and causes a chill to run up and down they're spine. So you might want to think about this

one the next time you are on an investigation and report that you just got a chill up and down your 



Clairvoyant:  A person who has ESP powers to see things that we don't. They have no control over

what they see or how long the vision will last. It is a French word for " Clear Seeing ", also the minds



Demons:  Evil spirits that can enter a home by means of a Ouija Board or through a medium at a

seance. They are said to attach themselves to a person not neccesarily the home and will follow the 

person wherever they go.


Doppleganger:  A double or apparition of a living person. The doppleganger is an exact duplicate of 

a living person, down to they're same clothes, hair style and feel. They are thougt to be omens of

death or out of body phenomenon. Other people dont even know they are communicating with one.


Ectoplasm:  The term is derived from Greek, ectos meaning outside and plasma meaning something

formed or molded. It is believed to be the formation of a spirit, entity or ghost. Science does not 

regard ectoplasms as paranormal, while some paranormal researchers have asserted ectoplasms

to be an enabling factor to psychokinesis. Photos of what look like mist has been thought to be 

actual ectoplasm and the formation ghost.


Electro-magnetic Fields:  An electrical current travels through wiring or into an appliance where it

produces an electro-magnetic field. It consists of the ever present electrical field ( even when the

appliance is turned off ) and the magnetic field when the appliance is turned on. While the electric

field is believed to be harmless, the magnetic field is thought to cause health problems. In the 

paranormal community we believe excessive amounts will cause a personto feel ill ( nausea, chills etc )

paranoia and other feeelings that might seem to be paranormal.


Electronic Voice Phenomenon:  Also called EVP, the process of recording a spirit voice on a digital 

voice recorder. During an investigation a series of questions are asked and a space for an answer is

left. During review sometimes a response will be heard. The recorder can also be left in an empty

room, while the investigtors are at differnt locations. On occasion a voice can be heard by the 

investigators during the EVP session. 


EMF detector:  A device that is used by paranormal investigators to determine electro-magnetic 

fields in areas that people believe are haunted. Investigators get base readings at the start of an 

investigation in order to determine if there are electro-magnetic fields prior to investigating. There 

are different types of meters, KII, Ghost meter, and Tri-Field just to name a few. 


Exorcism:  The process or ritual that is used to remove a spirit, ghost or demon that is possessing a

person or a place. A priest is usually called to do an exorcism.


Ghost:  The spirit of a once living person who either died violently or didn't know that they died. 

Possibly the personhad unfinished business or didn't want to leave someone. A ghost is believed to

remain in the place that they died or were killed, but some cases state that an entity followed them 

to different places. 


Inteligent Haunting:  There are two different kinds of hauntings. An intelligent haunting is when

communication can be made with the spirit or entity. This is usually done with EVP sessions or if

the investigator can ask questions and they get an immediate response. It is through a response 

by a sound or a reading on a tri-field meter or KII meter. 


Malevolent:  A spirit is often considered malevolent when a malicious supernatural force causes 

or can cause bodily harm to a person by pushing or scratching them.


Materialization:  In the paranormal field and in religion the term materialization refers to the 

creation or manifestation of solid matter from an unknown source. It is the transformation of

something abstract or virtual into something concrete or tangible. 


Orbs:  Orbs are belived to be balls of energy or spirits not yet materialized. They are usually 

captured on photographs and occasionally seen with the naked eye. Orbs are usually multi-colored

or different solid colors such as blue, green or red, in some potos they appear  to be moving and

leave a vapor trail and can be very brightd. Skeptics believe they are specks of dust or moisture.


Poltergeist:  Comes from German "poltem", which means to rumble and geist which means ghost

or spiritdenotes an ostensibly paranormal phenonenon attributed to the presence of an invisible

entiy that manifests itself by creating noise or moving objects. Poltergeist manifestations have

been reported in many cultures such as the United States, United Kingdom, India and Japan.


Residual Haunting:  Repeated playbacks of auditory, visual, olfactory and other sensory 

phenonena that are atributed to a traumatic event, life altering event or a routine event of a

person or place, like an echo or a replay of a videotape of past events.


Smudging:  A ritual used to remove negative energy from a home or person by burning sage in each

room or a person and reciting a prayer or chant to expel unwanted spirits. It is often refered to as a 



Spirit:  See Ghost.











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